Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Goodreads (Week Four)

After navigating Goodreads, I came back to Reading and Reviews under our Manukau Library’s Website. I found they are very much alike in some ways; our Reading and Reviews can be called ‘Mini Goodreads’. So I think people who are using our library’s web site will definitely enjoy Goodreads, it is such a good world wide social networking for book lovers.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Twitter (Week Three)

It took a little bit longer than Zamzar to understand and use. But once had it clear in my mind, I found it more interesting.
You choose what you follow, then follow what you choose, make it more open at beginning, and adjust your Twitter Following at any time. It is a most fast and convenient way to spread information once your Twitter net is builds. It is good platform of receiving (rather than sanding) information.
The downside I found so far is there is no any filter function, after a while you may end up getting too much junk.